Client-server computing is not a new phenomenon, but many of the people from across the globe do not have the information about this thing. That is why in this article I am going to try to give you the information about this thing and will try to simplify the confusion you all people have.
Hahaha, the heading might be confusing you, but I am trying to say that in client and server computing network the client instructs the server and the server response to the client by the resources it has.
It is a big network on which different clients are connected to the server, and if a client asks for shared resources with the server, then the server can share it with other clients without any botheration.
Multiple servers can be connected to cover the load on the network. When the client gives the request to the server, the responsibility of the server is to respond to the request as soon as possible.
The client computer is separate hardware, and the server computer is separate hardware, which designates their work differently.
For example, the web client can have a web screen to give the request, but the server does not have the screen usually. So you can see that different hardware have different functions and you can designate the task for different hardware along the way.
Many of the people ask the question of what the purpose of client-server network or client-server computing is. First, you should know it has been launched for the purpose that the database can be accessed by different clients without any botheration.
There was a mainframe model available in the past, but that was very bad and very destructive. Where are you will use the client and server computing then you should know that every client could access the database according to the requirement, not by fixed instructions.
Every client will be able to get the database and information according to the requirement, and there will be no discrimination between the lines but in fact according to the requirement and skills.
No matter if you have the computer, you have the tablet, or you have the phone everything can be made the client. Some of the time the single hardware is responsible for being the Client or for being the server.
This is very critical thinking to understand, and you need to discuss more this topic. I will say that you need to go online, know more about this topic and get the information about the questions, which are confusing you.
I have tried to give all of you people the basic and simple information about computing network of client and server, and hopefully, you have enough for basic information, which will help you out in the future.