What is Cloudflare?
Cloudflare is a content delivery network (CDN) and security company. It operates a global network that routes traffic to websites and apps, securing and optimizing content delivery. Cloudflare is best known for its security capabilities, which include DDoS protection, web application firewall (WAF), and SSL certificates. The company also offers DNS services and page speed optimization tools. Cloudflare’s customers include large enterprises, small businesses, and individual bloggers.
Setting up Cloudflare on WebCare360’s Offshore Shared cPanel Hosting
The Cloudflare module is included in our offshore cloud servers hosting packages and is already activated. To use Cloudflare CDN, please follow these steps;
1- Click the Cloudflare icon found under the Software section in your cPanel.
2- Click Create Your Free Account to open Cloudflare with a free account. If you already have an account, you can click Sign in here.
3- Having signed up, you can see your domain name that’s listed in the form at the bottom of the screen Feature is providing you with. In order to enable the service for your domain, click on the green Provision Domain with the CNAME Setup button.
4- The orange cloud icons will show that you’re using Cloudflare as a CDN to host your www subdomain. It does not mean that your entire domain is using Cloudflare as CDN; it merely means that www is set up with Cloudflare. You can set up Cloudflare for the rest of the areas of your domain, if needed, by clicking the corresponding cloud icons.
That is all you require in order to activate the Cloudflare service via the Cloudflare cPanel Feature we are offering to our customers!
An easy to understand video tutorial is also available.